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Albert Einstein said "We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking that we used to create them."  Mindset.Delta was created to help people change their systems by changing their dominant mindset.  We are possibility-oriented rather than problem-focused.  We are  using the tools of process improvement, data analysis, and integrative coaching.


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Dennis McGrath

I'm an engineer with 30 years of experience in complex systems. 


I started out as a mechanical engineer working for the U.S. Navy, then migrated into software engineering for a large defense contractor.  During that time, I developed an interest in modeling and simulation, and worked with discrete event models and virtual reality.   From there, I wandered into computer security, and then serious gaming.  That experience led me to work with Wall Street on a wargaming system for simulating cyber attacks on the banking sector.  Most recently I have spent time in healthcare at a series of hospitals as an operations analyst, teacher, and coach.  

Some of our Clients
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